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Torture Test
[2009-04-22 15:20]

Before I get into the heavy, I have to give a shout out to this guy. He's not new to the YouTubes, but this is the first time I've seen him and he's awesome. Ladies and gentlemen, Joe the Drummer.

Last week, President Obama announced that CIA personnel who might have tortured detainees under the guise of enhanced interrogation techniques would not be prosecuted. Obama's position led to a wave of criticism and concern and, thankfully, it appears that he is now opening the door to prosecution of those who sanctioned torture.

I have a great deal of respect for President Obama, and am still thankful that he is in the White House. But I think this is one case where he flubbed it, where his philosophy of compromise and meeting halfway failed. Were it anyone else, I'd probably tear into them about this. So, in all fairness, Obama should be no different.

Obama used his "looking forward not backward" meme to try to explain his position. I understand this philosophy, but it is not a panacea. In this case, it is insulting. Obama compounded this stance by saying

"This is a time for reflection, not retribution. [N]othing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past."

This, too, is dismissive, disrespectful and insulting. It assumes that the only reason that there is for wanting an investigation is petty revenge.

In response to criticism, Obama and other administration officials mentioned that Obama has banned the use of these questionable tactics so that they can never be used again. The implication is that that is all that matters.

What Obama failed to recognize (or, at least, what his position failed to acknowledge) is that if the use of these techniques was already forbidden by the Geneva Convention, then banning these practices again amounts to nothing. If we are not willing to uphold the agreements, treaties, laws (et al) that are already in place, and if we are not willing to be held accountable, then it's all just lip-service. And if it's all just lip-service, then that damages our credibility and our precious moral standing in the world. And without credibility, our attempts at diplomacy will be greatly hindered, and we make it easier for our enemies to recruit people against us. So while there may be nothing to be gained by pursuing this, there is definitely something to be lost if we don't.

And of course, by not investigating potential war crimes, we shatter the notion that we are a nation of laws and justice. So, I truly hope that we pursue this, and don't just try to sweep it under the carpet.

Having said all that, I know that Obama is in a very difficult position, especially now that we know that Dick Cheney is still trying to pull strings in Washington and in the intelligence community. Because of this, I don't hold it against Obama too much. And in any event, I know it wouldn't have been any better if McCain was president (I'm not sure if Hillary would have done anything differently).

War crimes will be prosecuted. War criminals will be punished. And it will be no defense to say, "I was just following orders."
-- George W. Bush, March 17 2003


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