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After Life
[2007-04-05 14:25]

It's been a month since I killed myself and the issue of mortality has been on my mind of late.

But, first things first: WoW, it's loads of fun. I still prefer table-top games but this is a good diversion -- exactly what I was looking for. Coincidentally, BBC News is reporting that hackers are targetting World of Warcraft players to try to steal their accounts. It amuses me that a stolen WoW account is more valuable than a stolen credit card.

In other news, March was National Kill-A-Kitty month, it seems. Many of my best friends' best friends were taken from us (or, almost, anyway). What up with that, God? Here's hoping that Bast bites you in the crotch.

I think this is one reason why I prefer hamsters. When they die, you just find them buried in their cages curled up into little balls of rigor mortis. No drama, or trauma, as the case may be.

Anyway, my mother and uncle also died last year. Counting from the year 2000, add my father, grandfather and grandmother to that list. I'm also inching closer to that magical number 50. I've always figured I'd be dead before then. Either that, or I'd live forever. Physically, I'm brushing up against 40 (I'm only brushing up against it -- I haven't bitten it in the crotch yet), but I still feel like I'm 10 most of the time. The rest of the time I feel like I'm 1000.

It also occurred to me recently that there are only two living males on my father's side of the family -- and older cousin and me. Neither of us are married or in a relationship; neither of us have spawned any offspring; and neither of us are close to doing either. That means that our family name will end with us. That's not really a big deal to me, but it's a bit odd to think about, especially when you're drunk.

All of this has been making me wonder if I should prepare for immortality, or go out with a bang.

If I'm going to die young, then screw retirement! I've got no progeny to worry about, so why not carpe the diem? Both of my parents died before they reached 70. So, even if I'm wrong about 50, my golden years might be singular.

On the other hand, maybe I should start spamming the world with little D-lings to ensure genetic domina^H^H^H^H^H^Hcontinuity. I'm not saying I want to raise any kids, mind you. Think of me more as a sword-for-hire. Have gun, will travel. All I need is a hole and a contract.

That would make the next 10 years very interesting!

But first I want to get to level 70.


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