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Censor This
[2006-12-03 04:00]

While channel surfing last night, I flipped to the Sci-Fi Channel which was showing some horror movie.

The scene I happened to see had a man who had be chopped/slashed/bitten in two writhing around on the ground. Shown in graphic detail was the blood and gore and guts of the man's ruined torso.

In a final act of defiance, the dying man raised his hand and gave the middle-finger to some off-screen adversary. Or, at least, I assumed is what he did because the Sci-Fi channel pixelated his hand at the moment of gesture.

Merriam-Webster defines obscene as

  1. disgusting to the senses : REPULSIVE
    1. abhorrent to morality or virtue; specifically : designed to incite to lust or depravity
    2. containing or being language regarded as taboo in polite usage
    3. repulsive by reason of crass disregard of moral or ethical principles
    4. so excessive as to be offensive

Apparently, we have to censor the second definition, but not the first. To which I have to say, What the F***?


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