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Canadian Bacon
[2013-05-14 02:45]

Slept in spurts last night, resulting in several pizza-fueled dreamlets, only fragments of which I remember.

  • a creepy one about a TV show called something like Rokorukan, in which a group of young adults were being chased by monsters. There was one full season of the show plus one extra show. I was watching the extra episode first.

    Somewhere in the episode, the show mentioned that one needed to watch the whole show to truly appreciate Rokorukan but that, like most people these days, I (the viewer) was probably jumping ahead and just "skimming" the show, so to speak.

    There was a bit (which might have been a separate dream) about a woman in a hallway guarding two hatches, each of which led to an underground garage filled with mutant monsters. The trick was that she had to find a way to pit one species of monster (some caterpiller-like thing) against another to keep both populations under control. If she needed to, she could close the hatches but if she riled up the monsters enough that they'd want to get into the hallway, then, effectively, she failed the mission (and probably would be killed by the monsters since the hatches wouldn't keep the monsters out forever).

    There was something about some rich dudes discussing the woman being put in this position (which they had engineered in some kind of conspiracy).

  • I was in the parking lot of a shopping plaza (not one I remember dreaming about before) with my sister and her son, on or near Pennington Lane(?). I was looking for a store that sold trading cards with/for my nephew and a sign in a grocery store mentioned it was one block over on Industry (road/street).

  • a game-like one in which there was a canyon/lake filled with fish. If you had the right quest, you needed to pick up underwater mushrooms or plants to use as bait for the fish, which you would then kill. This all tied into some kind of Pokemon-like creature's marketing campaign, somehow.

  • I was discussing the back-up strategy for some company's network that I was overseeing. Part of the strategy included copying the network "map", which was a depiction of the system like a roadmap. I mentioned that this map was confidential/secret and this somehow constrained how the system could be backed-up and where the back-up could be stored.

  • I was discussing conservative Presidential candidates with a friend and a woman who ran an NPR-like TV show. The last candidate we discussed was an elderly man named Walligh Addored (pronounced ADD-or-RED). I confessed that I knew nothing of this candidate and my friend suggested that his campaign slogan could be "Walligh [said like "hello"]! My name is Addored!" indicating that no one knew much about this candidate. I noted that he's Yiddish (in the dream, this referred to his race), which my friend confirmed.

    We dropped the woman off at the studio where she recorded her TV show and she mentioned we should come in and watch the show. We drove up to the entrance, parked and walked in when I woke up.

I sometimes wonder if having weird, vivid dreams like affects my world outlook.

Googling "Walligh Addored" and "Rokorukan" didn't turn up any matches. Searching for "Pennington and Industry" in Google maps resulted in


503. That�s an error.

The service you requested is not available at this time.

Service error -27. That�s all we know.


Defective Yeti
I, Cringely
It's Not Happening
Locally Grown Girl
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Mimi Smartypants
That Black Girl
