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Little Tart
[2013-09-04 08:00]

Chobani has pulled some of its Greek yogurt because of swelling or bloated cups. There's a connection here somehow, I just know it.

Having bought some of said cups (the pineapple flavor), I can confirm that they were truly bloated. Of course, that was a week or so ago, before the totally-not-a-recall, but I was pretty sure that there was some odd chemical or biological reaction occurring beneath the foil lid. Like a Jiffy-Pop bacteria-fest.

I can't explain what possessed me to eat the mutant yogurt anyway, but I did. Oddly, and thankfully, I didn't suffer any problems (as far as I know). And now I have super powers! Sadly, the only super power I have is the ability to eat mutant yogurt.

The yogurt did have a bite to it, as if the pineapple juice had fermented, but it didn't smell weird and it tasted alright, if a little tart (there's a connection here somehow, I just know it).

Anyway, I'm no worse for the wear, and now I'm craving some kind of pineapple cider.


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