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[2008-11-03 12:00]

A bunch of stuff happened in the political arena this month and tomorrow's election day. Just so I can get a last word in before the election, here are some late observations:

  • Sarah Palin: The thought of her becoming president in 2012 scares me. The thought that there are people who believe she'd be a good president really scares me. She can't stand on her own merits because there aren't m/any. So it seems to me that, at best, she's a figurehead or a sock puppet and it frightens me to think about who'd be controlling her.

  • Repubalaskans: Palin's denial about abusing her authority is disturbing. Either she believes what she says, in which case she is monumentally delusional, or she doesn't, in which case she's a pathological liar. Unfortunately, she's not the only one. What is it with republicans in Alaska?

  • Margaret and Helen: I don't know if they're real but it's a funny blog and funny to think that they are (real, that is).

  • Obama's Infomercial: I was worried that it'd be too much and would create some kind of backlash, and maybe it will, but it was well made. I am surprised, though, at how many pundits lamented that there was nothing new. It seems rather obvious to me that the purpose of the spot was to reinforce Obama's platform and image. In essence, it was just a TV version of his stump speech.

  • Obamanyms: I'm starting to get tired of these words incorporating Obama's name in them (like Obamacon, Obamamania, Obamercial etc.).

  • Obamakins: A couple of days ago, I wondered how happy I'll feel if/when Obama wins the election (and how devastated I'll be if he loses) and that led to an odd thought: I wondered how many people will end up having post-election sex. Of course, that leads to the question of how many kids will be born 9 months from now. If Obama wins, there may be a whole new generation of Baby Oboomers on the way.


Defective Yeti
I, Cringely
It's Not Happening
Locally Grown Girl
Margaret and Helen
Mimi Smartypants
That Black Girl
