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[2008-02-08 18:30]

It was just a matter of time, but Google found me. I haven't searched for awhile so I can't say exactly how long it took, but it's been a little over two years since I started this twaddle. But, now that I'm part of the blogosphere* I probably should try to clean up my act: no more writing entries during the commercial breaks in Lost; be less weasely; learn how to punctuate correctly, and so on.

I probably should think of more interesting things to write about too, but that's not gonna happen.

Speaking of which (not really), occasionally I imagine that I'd make a great astronaut. Not because I know anything really about astrophysics (I know just enough to think I know something), or because I'm in good physical shape (unless "good" means built like Danny Devito). I think I'd make a good astronaut because I can spend days on end alone and cooped up in small confines with no natural light. So, as long as I have enough food, water, pr0n and/or other computer-based entertainment, I'm ready for that 9 month trip to Mars.

And that makes me think that if Earth is ever visited by extra-terrestrials, maybe they'll be just as neurotic as I am. In fact, we probably have been invaded by little green men already. They're just really passive-aggressive.

* I'm sure I'm just an ingrown hair on the ass of the blogosphere, but... well... it could be worse.

Update [2008-02-09 19:30]: Washington state held its Democratic caucuses today and... (drum roll)... Barack Obama swept the state. Woo hoo! I'm pleased, but surprised that Clinton didn't do better, winning only Douglas county.


Defective Yeti
I, Cringely
It's Not Happening
Locally Grown Girl
Margaret and Helen
Mimi Smartypants
That Black Girl
